Ubuntu 14.04 の vivaldi でAbemaTVが観れなくなって暫く経つ。
vivaldiのバージョンは 2.2.1388.37 (Stable channel) (64-bit)
に github のリンクがあって、vivaldiのヘルプを見ろと。
HTML5 “proprietary” audio and video includes all media types that are patented, such as MP4 (H.264/AAC). Under Linux, Vivaldi requires a suitable, third-party support file to play these. If you start Vivaldi from a “Terminal” using the command vivaldi-stable & the output will include steps to install a support file.
端末で、vivaldi-stable と打てとの事で打つべし打つべし。
noizumi@greyhound:~$ vivaldi-stable No suitable library for HTML5 proprietary media (MP4[H.264/AAC]) was found, therefore only open codecs will play. To add support for proprietary media, issue the following command and restart Vivaldi: curl https://launchpadlibrarian.net/394835580/chromium-codecs-ffmpeg-extra_70.0.3538.77-0ubuntu0.16.04.1_amd64.deb |\ tail -c+1075 | tar xJ -C ~ --wildcards \*libffmpeg.so --xform 's,.*/,.local/lib/vivaldi/,' Fontconfig warning: "/etc/fonts/fonts.conf", line 86: unknown element "blank" [20584:20584:1223/143635.556692:ERROR:browser_dm_token_storage_linux.cc(93)] Error: /etc/machine-id contains 0 characters (32 were expected). [20584:20584:1223/143638.925073:ERROR:x11_input_method_context_impl_gtk.cc(144)] Not implemented reached in virtual void libgtkui::X11InputMethodContextImplGtk::SetSurroundingText(const base::string16 &, const gfx::Range &) noizumi@greyhound:~$ |
chromium-codecs-ffmpeg-extra_70.0.3538.77-0ubuntu0.16.04.1_amd64.deb のパッケージを取ってきて、~/.local/lib/vivaldi/ に libffmpeg.so を作成した訳だな。
vivaldi を起動してみると観れた。
しかし、Ubuntu 16.04 用のパッケージから libffmpeg.so をかっぱらってこいつーのはかなり無謀なんじゃね? こんなの素人はお手上げだぞ。